McLovin's lovin his first grow

UPDATE! check out the topping! Check out the beautiful density! Check out the TOTALLY YELLOW PLANT, my care taker didn’t realise and thought her mind was playing tricks on her lol seems to be going greener since micro nutrients.
Also, theirs a hole in one leaf… some sort of deficiency I’m guessing? Anyone know this?
Advice for where to go with these ladies would be cool. Can’t do a skrog as phing will be torture.
Also got a wet vac thank you whoever mentioned them! And a second 10 outlet pump :smiley: double the o2.

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Got some nute burn and possibly deficiency to?

CHECK OUT THE PRETTY TOPS! Also, hugely appreciated for any tips, comments or opinions.

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@Countryboyjvd1971 @hillcrest21678 @Akshooter @Hawkeye_diesel @peachfuzz @bryan @bob31 @TxGrowman @Majiktoker @yoshi

Looking good…
Now your starting to see the reason a rdwc can be a pain in the butt when growing different strains from seed… rdwc works better for clones of the same mother plant…
Some of your ladies look hungry and others look just fine and the rdwc makes it hard to isolate and fix them individually… also some are growing like a wild fire and others are taking there sweet time to catch up… which hopefully they do or else when you put them into flower they might get blocked out by the bigger plants… determining when to flower is going to be a hard decision to make if all the plants aren’t the same height …
You really have your hands full @McLovin777
You might want to start to think of a way to isolate certain plants into there own buckets to try to make some things easier for yourself… :wink:

:v: :sunglasses:

Thanks dude, and indeed I do. Considering getting a 1.2 x 1.2 tent for the biggest 4 plants and smashing the 600w in there with a cool tube and fan through it. The plants are different ages. That’s my problem

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Couldn’t live without it now

Cut the nasty looking leaves off the ladies with plenty to spare, pointless them blocking light to lower leaves.

Hopefully everything will stay green now!

MONSTERRR CROPPPPINGGG MADNESS. After doing some lst daily and seeing them bounce back instantly the next day I decided to monster crop these bitches, and fan do I hope they bounce back! The stems are sticky and smell of skunk. Such a strong smell!


Already looking up after MONSTTTERRR CROPPUUN’
changed 150L again today… electric pump needed.
And the totally yellow lady that was green before I left, has got her colour back, just needed her vitamins and she’s happy as Larry.


Do you use Calmag? Sorry if u said it somewhere earlier didn’t read the hole thread. Some of the plants look like they might want it. Helps keep em nice n green. I was having an issue with my leaves getting discolored like some of yours, got some Calmag n liquid karma n they literally exploded with growth n stopped yellowing

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yeah, they had nasty nute burn so I eased up on all the nutrients for a week. Gave them all like 3ml of cal mag, 3ml of mono trace, 3ml of biobizz grow - probably top up with another 3ml of each tomorrow or the day after if they look good, just don’t want to nute burn again!

also, just brought some liquid karma :slight_smile: heard so many good things about it. cheers bro

Yep I have no complaints about it cept it tends to stain the roots brown for the first few days after you put it in. Also hydroguard is like my go to for keeping the roots nice n slime free. Not sure what biobuzz is, kinda sounds like it might be similar to what hydroguard is, good mycrobs for the water. But if you start getting any slime on the roots I recommend it 100%. It literally ate the rot off my roots fast af.


I bought some that lasted one and a half doses… utter piss take, far too expensive for the amount of water I need. 250ml sensei zyme on route, should do the job

Isn’t it 5ml per gallon lol?

Not the other stuff I had, 2ml per litre! And when you have 150L it doesn’t last long.


I sure do love checking on the girls and seeing that perfect number.


I’m so in love with you babeh… bought a baseball bat and cctv hidden in the house, just incase some fool dared try to steal my ladies (feeling like a protective pimp)


Kudos to you, they are really looking healthy.